Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcome 2014

Happy New Year!
     Wow already in 2014! I felt like I was celebrating 2013 just yesterday and now here we are on the first day of 2014, time really does fly. I'm not really big on New Year's resolutions and all, but for 2014 there is something I would like to do...well more like change about myself, and that is to just focus more on myself and my happiness. For the past year or two, I feel like I have focused a lot on other people..hoping they are happy, pleasing them, trying to impress them and caring what they might think or say about me. I was too focused on other people and I would just end up being upset and disappointed because I either had too high expectations of people, or they turned out to be not who I thought they were, etc. This all just caused negativity and worry in my life that was definitely not needed! In December I really started thinking about all this and realized that the first and foremost person I have to care for and make sure is happy is me. Why should I care what others think of me or what they are doing? Why should I be the one trying hard and putting effort when others aren't?  I'm only 18 years old!  My life is only beginning. There is so much ahead of me, so much to do and look for. Why should I have other people distract me from working towards my future, achieving my goals and living my life the way I want to? I don't need any negativity or stress in  my life. It's all about those positive vibes :-) So for 2014, my goal is to just focus on myself, my happiness, my family, closest friends and all that is ahead of me.

     I actually spent my New Years Eve working, but it's all good because I also had fun. Well at first I did, but something happened at the end that left me furious and ruined the beginning of the new year for me, but I'll get to that.  I was a waiter along with Karolina, my sister and a few others for a party of about 150 or so people in our polish school. I actually like working at those parties because we don't even have that much work to do with the pay that we get, me and Karolina spend some of our free time dancing and we get free food and who doesn't like that? Haha :-)

With Karolina & my younger sister Aleksandra. Yea we rocked them red lips lol :P

     We actually had to wear those stupid little red hats, but we took them off after like an hour. They were actually cute, but it's something that belongs more to a costume ensemble, and not waiter attire. We also wore red sparkly scarves which I really liked, but there were only 4 scarves & 5 girl waiters so of course I was the one who didn't get the scarf and ended up waiter a tie -_- but it's okay I rocked that tie :P

     Once the clock hit 12 it was 2014! We all got champagne to welcome the new year (just a small champagne glass for us no worries haha) and afterwards we went outside with a few others to have a little fun with sparklers


      Afterwards we just enjoyed ourselves, there was not much to do after 12am really. Me and Karolina danced a lot haha. It was all good and fun until the end, when I realized someone went into my bag not once, but twice and took something that belonged to me. What angered me the most was not what was stolen, but the fact that someone had the nerve to go into my bag, my private and personal item TWICE! And we know who it was, but they are denying it. Me and Karolina played detective and all our evidence leads us to them. So that is how my night ended. I definitely did not expect to start my new year this way, but it is what it is I guess.

I didn't post anything for over a month  because I was swamped with school, papers and work :( But from now on I will make sure to post whenever I can :)

Until next time,
Sylwia :-)

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