Monday, November 4, 2013

50 Random Questions Tag

Hello :) 
As I am now sitting on my 3 hour break in school, I thought I would blog a little and decided to do the 50 questions lets get right to it! 

1. Where were you 3 hours ago? 
In my 8 am math class
2. Who are you in love with?

As of now, no one. But I do love my family and closest friends <3
3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

I don't remember ever eating a crayon, but I wouldn't be surprised if I did as a little kid haha :)
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?

Long time ago actually =/ And I am in a need to go soon! Hehe
6. Are you wearing socks right now?

Oh yes, it is cold out!
7. Does your family have a car worth over $2,000?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?

Last week
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

Yes, yesterday actually. I saw Bad Grandpa with Karolina and it was hilarious! :D
10. Are you hot?

No, it is actually pretty chilly in my school
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

Good ol' water haha
12. What are you wearing right now?

A long, warm gray cardigan with a white tank top, scarf, black leggings and light brown boots
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?

I have a family car and my mom lets the car wash do it
14. Last food that you ate?

Tasty sandwich made by my mom :)
15. Where were you last week at this time?

The same place I am in school on my break haha
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? 

Nope :( But I need to go shopping soon
17. When is the last time you ran?

If we are talking about running/jogging to be fit....a long time ago! Haha. But the last time I ran because of something was last Thursday to be exact.
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?

I believe it was soccer.
19. What is your favorite animal?

I love dogs as pets :) But I also love lions, tigers 
20. Your dream vacation?
Definitely somewhere warm, probably on an island or some tropical place. Maybe Hawaii :)
21. Last person's house you were in?

Besides my house, Karolina's :)
22. Worst injury you've ever had?

My worst injury was actually recent...I sprained my right knee back in June :(
23. Have you been in love?

No love for me yet
24. Do you miss anyone right now?

Yes :(
25. Last play you saw?

A school play about 2 weeks ago.
26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

I don't really have any secret weapon haha. I act friendly, smile...I'm just myself :)
27. What are your plans for tonight?
Nothing exciting really...I am in school until 4:45pm and once I am home, I will be doing -_-
28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?

We are going way back with this question haha. The last time I was on MySpace was years ago so I don't even remember.
29. Next trip you are going to take?
Visit family this weekend in Connecticut :)
30. Ever go to camp?

Yes, I went camping once.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?

Yes I was
32. What do you want to know about the future?

A lot! Haha But at the same time, I just wast to live in the moment and see where life takes me
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

Yes, a peach body spray
33. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

Not that I know of, I don't think so
35. Where is your best friend?

Karolina! <3 My last post was all about her and our friendship, so take a look if you haven't already :) I also have two other friends that I am very close to and call my best friends...Leeanna and Vicky <3
36. How is your best friend?

Amazing, caring, understanding, supportive, loving, always there for me, humorous,loyal, friendly  ...yea the list goes on and on <3 But if the question is asking how she is doing at the moment, I would guess she is good :)
37. Do you have a tan?

Not anymore, that summer tan has faded...
38. What are you listening to right now?

Music...Hardwell on Soundcloud
39. Do you collect anything?
Not really
40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

A little someone....
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

Never, I don't drive..yet hehe
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

43. What does your last text message say?
It's from Karolina and it says.."check your snap" hehe
44. Do you like hot sauce?

I don't eat much hot sauce, but I do like moderation! haha
45. Last time you took a shower?

Before bed last night
46. Do you need to do laundry?

Yes I do actually hehe
47. What is your heritage?

100% Polish! :)
48. Are you someone's best friend?

Karolina's best friend <3
49. Are you rich?

Far from rich
50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?

Heading to sleep

Hope you enjoyed and until next time!
Sylwia :)

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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let me tell you about my best friend...♥

What can I say about this girl on the right? Oh man where do I begin...:)

She is someone I call my best friend, my long lost sister, my other half. Her name is Karolina and I am beyond grateful, lucky and thankful to be able to have her in my life.
It's crazy to think that we met December 2012 and 10 months later, we call each other the best of friends, as if we knew each other for years


Like I said earlier, me and Karolina met back in December 2012, even though we have attended the same polish school for years together haha :) So anyway, we met when we were both working as waitresses for a New Years Eve party for our polish school. First off, we had a flippin' awesome New Years Eve! :D Even though we worked, we were still able to have some time to dance and enjoy the party as well, along with others that worked with us :)

Representing our country...Polska! :)

We hung out for the first time in January and had sushi (which we are both obsessed with! haha) and as we saw each other and talked more often, our friendship grew and before we knew it, we called each best friends. I clearly remember our first sleepover at my house back in March and I believe it was around that time that we became best friends. I also remember the first sleepover we had at Karolina's house in May and that was definitely a one to remember haha! Something I really enjoy is having these sleepovers, especially when it's just us two. Of course, we eat a lot haha (we both love food a bit too much... hehe), and we often end up doing some crazy things, or simply watch a movie, or our favorite YouTubers. We also often stay up and play questions (where we ask each other all sorts of embarrassing, personal, weird questions), truth or dare or would you rather.  I remember back in the summer, we had a sleepover at my house and we both opened up so much to each other through playing questions that we started tearing up (and we also started freaking out a bit once we started talking about ghosts and spirits, but let's not get into that lol).

Karolina is someone I really cherish in my life, and I truly hope she stays in my life for a long, long time, until we are grandmas sitting in our rocking chairs, reminiscing all our memories :) Karolina is such a beautiful person inside and out. She is someone who I can be 100% myself around ( and I am one weird, awkward person haha!) and I know I can trust her with anything and she pretty much knows knows me inside and out. We easily open up to each other. I love her sense of humor and that she understands me and who I really am. She is a fun, bubbly, loving, caring and simply amazing person and friend who I am lucky and grateful to have in my life. We can be doing fun, exciting things together, or even nothing in particular, just sitting around and talking, but I'll still have a great time just because I was with Karolina :) We are often the biggest idiots and weirdos when we're together, and I love every single moment of it. That last picture above on the right is what we call "our face" haha! We often do it whenever we greet each other or just randomly lol :)


I have so much memories of us from these last 10 months and I am only looking forward to more. We have so much planned for the future and I am really excited for what is ahead of us and all those memories that we will make

We went on a pilgrimage in August and let's just say we are both happy that we made it through those 4 days! Haha! Lots of blisters, muscle and leg pain, but at least we had each other :)    

On our way to Splish Splash! We had an awesome time :D   

I also love Karolina's family. I consider them my second family and my second home, just as my house is Karolina's second home :) Recently, Karolina came over and as she opened the door and came in, she said "I'm home!" haha :) Even though I started college this year, and Karolina is a junior in high school, we still try to see each other often and talk whenever we can. I pick her up from school on Fridays whenever I can and then we go to polish school together and Saturdays we volunteer at our polish school in the elementary classes. 

Yes, I am rocking a Sponge-Bob shirt haha! :)   

Karolina recently gave me a super duper early birthday gift and I loved it. It was 2 picture frames made up of pictures of us and I actually started tearing up :') It was simply amazing, thoughtful, and sweet and they both hang on my wall and I see it everyday and just smile :)
Thank you Karolina, for being my best friend, for being here for me, for always listening to me and putting up with me through the good, the bad. Having you in my life brings me happiness and I could never ever ask for a better, more amazing best friend.
Love you!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hello! :D

Hey everyone and welcome to my blog that I would like to call live life & stay positive ♥

My name is Sylwia and I am a 17 year old girl living life and seeing where it will take me. I spend way too much time on the internet and social media haha. I love food, coffee, shopping, photography, a good book, movies and adventure.This blog will have a little bit of everything, ranging from simply pouring out my thoughts, as well as any favorite things I want to share, pictures from any recent events to pure random posts about nothing in particular, so I hope everyone will find something to read :)
I also recently a YouTube channel, ( YouTube has been a big interest of mine for a long time now and I have finally decided to start posting! :) I will post mostly vlogs/day in the life type videos, tags and other random videos on there, so if you like what you see here, then go check out my channel and it would make me really happy if you subscribed! :D

I will post on this blog pretty regularly, so stay tuned for future posts coming soon! I'll have my YouTube channel link down below, as well as my social media if you'd like to follow me, I follow back :)

Have a lovely day ♥